Westwood Middle School

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Westwood Teachers Host Orientation Meeting with Incoming Students

Mr. Wiley greeted his incoming 6th grade students and shared important information about the start of the school year.  As incoming 6th graders, Mr. Wiley’s students were asked what questions they had about Westwood.  Some questions included:

Does Westwood have two floors?

How do you open a locker?

Can you start band or choir in 6th grade?

How many papers do you have to write each day?

What happens when you are late to class?

Will we ever go on field trips?

How do you navigate all your classes?

How many teachers are there at Westwood?

Do I have multiple teachers this year?


Despite the different circumstances at the start of this school year, Mr. Wiley’s students seemed ready to start the year strong.  Students remembered the basics of Google Classroom, were glad to see a common design for the different Classrooms, and were excited to have a middle school schedule.  Mr. Wiley and his class are ready for an interesting start to the school year!



Andrew Wiley

Westwood Middle School

Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher

ELA PLC Team Lead