Westwood Middle School

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Westwood Middle School 6th grade Math Mania - Week 1

Middle School Transition Triumph:

Our sixth-grade superstars kicked off the school year on Tuesday, August 29, 2023. The transition from elementary to middle school may have seemed daunting, but our students embraced the change with open arms. From maneuvering lockers like pros to mastering the art of navigating through the corridors, our students are proving that they are true Westwood Wolverines!



Math Adventures Galore:

In our math class, we've embarked on a journey of rich thinking and problem-solving. Our students have been tackling thought-provoking math challenges that require not only sharp minds but also effective communication and strong teamwork. The emphasis on maintaining an "I can" attitude and never giving up has truly paid off. The perseverance displayed by each and every one of our 6th grade students has been nothing short of inspiring!


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

One of the most remarkable aspects of this week has been witnessing the power of teamwork. Our students have been working in groups of three, collaboratively striving towards solutions. What's impressive is that the journey to these solutions is entirely up to the students. I’ve noticed an incredible transformation from initially needing assistance to stepping into leadership roles and confidently relying on each other's strengths.



Grit and Determination Define Us:

Every period has shone brightly with determination and grit. The relentless pursuit of knowledge, the courage to tackle challenges head-on, and the enthusiasm to learn from one another have truly set the tone for an exceptional year ahead. The unwavering dedication to growth that I am seeing in our math class is setting a remarkable precedent for Westwood Middle School!


Future Outlook:

As we wrap up this incredible week, many students are filled with excitement about the upcoming year. I am  confident that the camaraderie, problem-solving skills, and leadership abilities our students have exhibited will only continue to flourish. Feel free to ask your 6th grade student about our math tasks, engaging teamwork they had to take part in, and personal growth or leadership roles they may have taken part in within Mr. Unland’s math class.