Westwood Middle School

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Wolverine_logo_no_background.png   Welcome to our PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization) page! 
Our PTO supports 'WOLVERINE PRIDE' and is dedicated to activities that support, promote, provide
and enhance the educational experience of our students at Westwood Middle School.



                    *PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY


2022-2023 PTO OFFICERS

You can email any of the PTO officers at [email protected]


Barbara Flock
Vice President:
Meagan Edwards
Ashley Mortenson
Mandy Martinson
Volunteer Coordinator:
PTO Officers



Westwood's Annual ASB (Associated Student Body) 'FUND RUN' is the only ASB fund raiser during the school year.  The money raised during our FUND RUN provides the essential funding needed to offer extracurricular activities including athletics, 6th grade intramurals, Science Olympiad, Math is Cool, SeaPerch, Drama, FBLA, National Junior Honor Society, etc.  Student recognition throughout the school year honoring students for showing Wolverine Pride in leadership, character and academic achievement are also funded by the ASB FUND RUN.  The FUND RUN contributions will be collected by our students from mid-September through the beginning of October.  We greatly appreciate the support of our community in helping to provide extracurricular opportunities for our Westwood Middle School students!



Westwood has a 'Clothing Closet' located inside the school that always needs gently used, age appropriate clothing, shoes, cleats, personal hygiene items, etc. It also typically needs someone who is willing to spend occasional time sorting and organizing to ensure that only age appropriate, decent quality items are kept. Items more appropriate for the high school will be sent to their 'Clothing Closet' which is maintained by the high school's Communities in Schools Site Coordinator. Mrs. Potter, our Art Teacher, is always in need of small craft and/or household items that can be used in or for unique art projects. Robin Miller, our health aide, coordinates a Christmastime Giving “Store” for selected students to “shop” so they are able to give gifts to members of their family. As you clean and organize, if you see some great deals at garage sales/stores or if you know someone who is downsizing, keep your eye out for anything that could be placed in our Giving "Store" - things that could be a gift for a dad, a mom, a sister, a brother, a grandma, a grandpa, etc. If you have items to donate please bring them to the school office. Many thanks to your giving hearts -- we, as a family here at Westwood, are able to touch many lives through the simple act of giving.



Collecting Box Tops is an easy way to help support Westwood and your child's education. Please downloads the Box Top for Education app, scan your receipts and choose Westwood Middle School as the recipient.  You'll be surprised at how many everyday items participate in these programs!
Each Box Top is worth 10 cents. It doesn't sound like much but they add up quickly!