Westwood Middle School

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About Wolverine Athletics

Westwood Middle School is proud to offer a wide variety of student opportunities to participate in interscholastic competition. One of the highest predictors of high school graduation for a middle school student is their participation in 1 or more activities. We encourage all Westwood students to participate in activities and athletics. In order for your student to participate these requirements must be met before the first day of practice;
Westwood Middle School has teams in football, softball, cross country, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, baseball, track and field and tennis. Cheney School District provides activity buses on limited routes for the student participants.

Westwood Middle School is a member of the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL). Other
schools in our league include East Valley Middle School (East Valley School District), Centennial Middle School (West Valley School District), Freeman Middle School (Freeman School District), and our sister middle school, Cheney Middle School (Cheney School District). 
If you have any questions regarding athletics, please feel free to contact our athletic department staff.